Refund Policy

Customer Cancellations:


Online orders canceled within 24 hours of the start of the delivery timeslot may not be eligible for a full refund. This is due to our products being fresh and prepared on a per-order basis. In this case, please contact our Customer Service team as soon as possible. Orders canceled due to the recipient refusing the order upon delivery may not be eligible for a full refund. Please note cash/bank card refunds may take up to 7 working days.


Cancellations by Jacaranda:


In certain circumstances, Jacaranda may have to cancel your order and in this case, you may be eligible for a full refund. This includes but is not limited to a) the Recipient’s address being outside of our delivery zone; b) There was an issue confirming your order and you did not respond to us for more than 3 days, and c) in the rare scenario where the product is not available and we could not find you a suitable replacement.


Flower issues:


If we delivered damaged or unsatisfactory flowers, please contact our Customer Service team with images of your order within 48 hours of delivery. If the flowers were clearly damaged before, during, or upon delivery we will provide a replacement as soon as practically possible. If you do not require a replacement you may be eligible for compensation in the form of Jacaranda credit.

The wrong product was delivered:


If we delivered the wrong product, please contact our Customer Service team with images of your order within 48 hours of delivery. We will provide a replacement as soon as practically possible. If you do not require a replacement, you may be eligible for compensation through Jacaranda credit.


Delayed delivery


We will always do our best to deliver your order within the time slot requested. Please note that delays may occur. We may need to move the order to a later time slot if we are unable to reach the recipient. If your order is delayed by less than 6 hours after the end of your timeslot you may not be eligible for a full refund.


If your order is delayed by more than 6 hours after the end of your timeslot you will be eligible for a full refund in the form of Jacaranda credit. This is not valid for orders delayed for reasons outside of our control, including but not limited to a) An incorrect address was provided, b) an incorrect recipient information; c) the Recipient not answering in a timely manner; d) the Recipient was not available to receive the order, and e) Certain establishments or areas not accepting our delivery.


Incorrect recipient information:


If the recipient information provided to us was incorrect, Jacaranda would not be held responsible for any delays or deliveries to the wrong person or address. Please ensure you provide a valid phone number of the recipient and a real name.